What's for dinner tonight?

So, normally I do not post about food, but this blog was in fact created for the sole purpose of inspiring others so I am going to share what I made one day last week for dinner... These are all new (to me) recipes! Sometimes I get inspired to try something new and maybe this will inspire you too! I love, I mean LOVE www.supercook.com, it is an amazing site that allows you to add ingrdients you have on hand and it pops up all kinds of recipes for you to try! That is where these came from but I will post the direct link to each for you :)

So first I wanted to try Minute Steaks with Barbeque Butter Sauce !
I was never really "taught" how to cook so this was a SWEET new concept for cooking steak! I never was able to get it cooked just how I like it and this whole concept was great, except it does make a bit of a mess on the oven top! But wow did it taste good!
These I LOVED! I didnt have almond slices so I coated them with the mixture and threw them in the oven to roast a bit.. They turned out great and I put the extra sauce in with the beans.. Oh I also didnt have fresh green beans but they still tasted great!
I was not a fan of this really at all.. the texture was nice but I just dont feel like it had much flavor. My husband loved it though so I may make it again some time.. I was half tempted to throw it in the over and try to make it lol
With Roasted Apples for dessert!
I used green apples and I think they turned out nicely!

So here you have it, a great new meal for you to try! Enjoy!